
If you’re a content publisher, editor, journalist, or public relations professional, you’ve seen the publishing landscape change dramatically over the last 10 years. While some may wax nostalgic for the “good old days” of print publishing. I’m excited for what the future may hold.

Free blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger let anyone become their own content publisher, while Google AdSense helps them earn some money while doing so. New mobile devices like the Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, and the flood of powerful smartphones have made digital content distribution a reality.

For the public relations professional, the aforementioned changes to content production, distribution, and consumption — and the advent of social networks like FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, and FourSquare — have given the PR profession some new challenges to face, as well as exciting new opportunities to engage with editors, bloggers, journalists, and motivated consumers and customers that simply weren’t available a decade ago.

That’s why I’ve decided to create this blog: I’ve had the good fortune to wear all of those hats over the years, and I believe exciting times are ahead for publishers, editors, journalists, bloggers, and PR folks. Hopefully the information presented here — and more importantly, the ability to connect and communicate with peers going through the same challenges — will be useful.

About Jeff James
Jeff James (@jeffjames3) is currently the Editorial Director for the Petri IT Knowledgebase, where he primarily writes about the enterprise IT market. He has  personal blogs devoted to robotics (Nxtbot.com) and automobiles (Drivelineblog.com), and has previously been the editor in chief of both Windows IT Pro and Microsoft TechNet Magazine, was an editorial director at the LEGO Company, and has more than 20 years of experience as a technology writer, journalist, social media strategist and public relations manager.

Jeff has also been a video game producer, a web producer, written a few dozen auto reviews, and donned a JB’s Big Boy costume as an early (and ill-fated) career move. He’s also written and co-authored three books, is working towards traveling to every continent, is training to run a half-marathon and hopes to — someday — learn how to ski.

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